

Does vitamin C prevent a cold? Will having wet hair make you sick? 5 myths doctors want to debunk.

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There are a lot of myths about catching colds, including how to prevent and treat them.

The average adult gets two or three colds a year.

The CDC says rhinoviruses are the most common cause of colds in the U.S. , but other causes include human coronaviruses.

Vitamin C supplements do not reduce the risk of getting a cold, according to the National Institutes of Health .

“Not only are you exposing yourself to potential side effects of taking the antibiotic, you’re contributing to making the bacteria in your body more resistant to the antibiotics,” Schaffner adds. “Please don’t do that.” It is possible that your “cold” could be due to something else, like bronchitis, strep or pneumonia, though. If you find that your symptoms are getting worse, or that you have a sore throat and fever, Russo recommends contacting a doctor for an evaluation..