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mass extinctionPopular Science
•76% Informative
Ideas of human extinction and societal dissolution are rampant in religious texts and myths of ancient cultures.
Without people around to keep things running, water and electricity would quickly stop flowing through pipes and wires.
In seismically active zones, earthquakes would wear down and eventually topple structures.
Sturdy stone buildings would remain standing the longest, predict both experts.
The worst meltdown ever to occur was the Chernobyl explosion, which released about 400 times as much radioactive material as the bomb that the U.S. dropped on Hiroshima .
Some artifacts, like Bronze sculptures, ceramic pots and mugs, and gold ingots, will hang on, buried by time.
Still though, we’re only talking on the order of thousands of years .
In the worst past extinction event, 80-90% of all marine species and 70% of vertebrates died off.
Life would last at least until our sun grows too hot to support it.
The voyager spacecrafts that have left our solar system were built to carry evidence (in the form of a golden record) to possible distant alien worlds.
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not offensive
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not hateful
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not detected
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