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Once Linux's Biggest Enemy: Darl McBride Dies and Nobody Notices - FOSS Force

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Darl McBride , CEO of SCO , died a month and a half ago with little notice by the Linux and open source communities.

McBride tried to bring an end to Linux as we know it by taking on IBM , Daimler Chrysler , Novell , and many other corporations.

SCO ’s threats against Linux quickly turned out to be without teeth.

After leaving SCO McBride took some job as chief operating officer at Japan -based Virnetnet .

According to his obituary, McBride passed away on September 16, 2024 after a battle with ALS . He was 64 . In case you’re worried, McBride was far from friendless at the end. In researching this article I found a nice “goodbye” piece on the website Utah Money Watch by writer David Politis who was a close personal friend of McBride ..