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ExoBand, A Passive Wearable Device as a Walking Aid in Neuromuscular Patients: First Quantitative Assessment

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81% Informative

Exoband (by Moveo , Padova , Italy ) functions as a walking brace, comprising a belt and two leg loops connected by a mechanism that stores energy during the initial phase of the gait cycle and releases it in the subsequent phase.

Device has received approval for individuals with impaired walking abilities, demonstrating increased walked distance and improved gait pattern in patients with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson disease, stroke sequelae.

Eight patients ( 6 males and 2 females, aged 6078 years ) were evaluated.

They were diagnosed with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy ( CIDP ) Five patients were diagnosed.

Three had other neuromuscular conditions.

The ExoBand design, connecting the groin area with the knee, facilitates the correct alignment of hip flexion.

Wearing the ExoBand had a positive impact also on psychological aspects: it is interesting to note that some participants after the first use of the device reported feeling more secure, positive, and one expressed a desire to walk more.

This exploratory study suggests the usefulness of a passive wearable device in patients with CIDP or motor neuropathies presenting proximal weakness and gait abnormalities.

Further research is essential to assess the long-term effects of regular Exoband use at home.

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