The Hill

The Hill

Opinion: Cutting emissions isn’t enough: Counteract global warming with geoengineering

The Hill
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76% Informative

Is it time to consider geoengineering or climate engineering, artificially cooling the planet more seriously? The idea has been floated for at least a half century now, and taken seriously by some forward-looking thinkers for a couple decades .

We need to be very careful about this idea, and learn much more before we do it, says Julian Zelizer .

Zelizer: Any effort at partial global cooling would involve messing with Mother Nature .

Michael O’Hanlon: We don’t want to overshoot the mark and cool the planet relative to pre-industrial temperatures.

By the time any decision might be made (in the 2030s ?), temperature rises may well have reached 1.5 degrees .

He says wealthy industrialized countries that have emitted the most carbon dioxide should pay the most.

O'Hanlon argues we should together pay for the whole thing.