This is a Coachella news story, published by Esquire, that relates primarily to Leonard Cohen’s news.
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election nightEsquire
•46% Informative
A bus driver tells a local TV station that things got just a tad feisty at Coachella .
Leonard Cohen’s estate has reportedly issued a cease and desist letter to Donald Trump after he used Rufus Wainwright's cover of Hallelujah at a rally.
A judge stops a planned hand count of ballots on election night in Georgia , ruling it would create “administrative chaos” if poll workers were required to conduct the manual review without being trained.
Voters who don’t provide proof of citizenship yet still swear they are U.S. citizens are allowed to vote only for president, the US House or Senate .
The plaintiffs told the court that they intend to appeal the ruling.
I think polling is as outdated as Tammany Hall .
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
Article tone
Language complexity
Offensive language
likely offensive
Hate speech
possibly hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
Known propaganda techniques
External references
Source diversity