Charlotte Observer

Charlotte Observer

Oral history: How Rainbow Kitten Surprise went from playing App State dorms to NC arenas

Charlotte Observer
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The indie folk-rock band Rainbow Kitten Surprise will perform at Spectrum Center in Charlotte and Lenovo Center in Raleigh on Oct. 25 and 26 .

The group formed after meeting as freshmen at Appalachian State University .

Lead singer Ela Melo , guitarists Darrick “Bozzy” Keller and Ethan Goodpaster , and drummer Jess Haney met as freshmen.

Ela Melo and Bozzy Keller started playing together at an open-mic night at a college college.

They say they met a lot of people through jamming on the steps of their dorms.

Ela Keller : College was a magical time, at least for me. It was like Bonnaroo or something.

Toomey: "If I could go back, it’s always like, Would I have wished the name on them?" Melo and Keller used their college dorms as their workshop.

They put out the three -song EP " Mary " on May 5th of 2013 , and they got a thousand streams the first night.