The Diplomat

The Diplomat

Australia’s (Alleged) Mushroom Murders Raise the Question of How Women Kill

The Diplomat
Nutrition label

66% Informative

Australia is in the grip of yet another sordid true crime saga in the form of the infamous (alleged) “mushroom murders” in a case that involves possible poisoned beef wellingtons.

The case centers on 49-year-old Erin Patterson who, on July 29 last year , hosted a luncheon with the family of her ex-husband Simon Patterson , including his parents and his aunt and uncle.

In coming days , his father, mother and aunt died, while his uncle made a slow recovery after falling into a coma.

Knowing that women have a predilection for poison which makes sense when the use of physical force is often stacked in a man’s favor any case in which a woman appears to have played the part of a merry murderess cooking up poisoned potions, be they cyanide-laden coffee or death cap beef wellingtons, is likely to capture the collective imagination. With Patterson ’s trial only just beginning, we shall have to wait and see if she will add to the statistics..