Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy

The Artificial General Intelligence Presidency Is Coming

Foreign Policy
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82% Informative

It is increasingly probable that the next U.S. presidential term could see the development of Artificial General Intelligence .

Generative AI was developed largely without government assistance, but its next phase will require government involvement.

Humanity stands on the verge of a new, potentially golden era, but AGI could also create a much darker world.

The path that AGI takes will depend in large measure on who develops it.

New commission should be tasked with ensuring AGI models are created in the U.S. by 2029 .

It should be created by Congress before the president is inaugurated to establish bipartisan support.

The commission should channel funding and expertise to those technologies where the United States already has a competitive advantage.

The objective should be to empower the U.S. and its allies and partners to collaborate to develop AGI by 2028 .

The key step will be the creation of a regulatory framework that is sufficiently flexible to adapt to AGI development’s rapid pace.

A major risk is that AGI , even if correctly programmed, begins to exhibit unexpected behaviors that threaten humans or society.

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