Rosemary's Baby Prequel Shines
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scary thrillerMashable
•'Apartment 7A' review: Julia Garner leads a suitably savage 'Rosemary's Baby' prequel
62% Informative
Apartment 7A is an exhilaratingly frightening tale of ambition, betrayal, and bodily autonomy that fits slyly with its source material, yet makes a timely statement all its own.
Natalie Erika James has done the impossible with a horror gem that shines without detracting from its inspiration point.
The film is a fantastic follow-up to James ' scary-as-hell feature debut, Relic .
Julia Garner is extraordinary in Apartment 7A.
Natalie Erika James spun an intimate tale of mother-daughter relationships and family curses into a rivetingly scary thriller.
Garner has got it, meaning a combination of screen presence and grit that makes her instantly recognizable as a force to be reckoned with.
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likely offensive
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not hateful
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