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automatic litter boxesWired
•58% Informative
Automatic cat litter boxes have provided a solution to the smelly litter box problem.
They have sensors, either by motion or weight, to tell when a cat has entered or exited the box.
With the dome-shaped litter boxes, the cleaning will happen via a cycle where the litter spins and rotates around the spherical interior.
The Neakasa M1 rotates backward and then forward to sift the clumps from the clean litter, depositing the larger clumps into the waste basket.
The Litter-Robot has been the Rolls-Royce of automatic litter boxes for the past decade .
To clean, the box automatically tumbles the litter using grates and gravity to separate the clumps of dirty litter, then deposits the soiled clumps in an opening below.
The box has a built-in scale, and the sensors weigh your cat every time it enters.
Despite the hiccups with tracking weight, this automatic litter box is a game changer.
Once litter levels drop below the litter fill line, Litter-Robot's Whisker app will notify you that it's time to refill.
At 30 decibels, the Loo Too is nearly silent, but, if you're sensitive to noise, there's a night mode so it doesn't rotate during bedtime.
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