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Primordial black holeSpace
•73% Informative
Scientists believe primordial black holes were created at the beginning of time.
They are hypothesized to be about as massive as an asteroid or small moon .
Some scientists believe they could account for dark matter, the most mysterious "stuff" in the universe.
Now, a team of physicists proposes a way of settling the debate: with detailed observations of Mars .
Researchers created a simulation of the solar system that factored in gravitational interactions between the planets and the largest moons in our cosmic backyard.
The team estimated how often a primordial black hole would theoretically pass through solar system, given the amount of dark matter estimated to exist in the region of space around the sun.
They then reasoned that these tiny black holes would race through the system at a staggering 5.4 million miles per hour , 7,000 times as fast as the speed of sound.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
not offensive
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not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
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not detected
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