Russia Prepares for Ukraine Invasion
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Russian documentsGuardian
•Revealed: Russia anticipated Kursk incursion months in advance, seized papers show
76% Informative
Documents reveal Russian concerns about morale in the ranks in Kursk .
Unit commanders are given instructions to ensure soldiers consume Russian state media daily to maintain their psychological condition’ Ukraine ’s incursion into the region took many by surprise, as planning had been restricted to a very small number of people.
Official documents reveal signs of serious problems with morale at the front of the Russian army.
“The analysis of the current situation regarding suicides shows that the issue of servicemen dying as a result of suicidal incidents remains tense,” reads one entry.
Unit commanders are instructed to identify soldiers who “are mentally unprepared to fulfil their duties or prone to deviant behaviour, and organise their reassignment and transfer to military medical facilities”.
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