EarthCARE's Atmospheric Lidar ATLID Launched
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atmospheric lidar ATLIDScienceDaily
•EarthCARE's lidar shows particles in the atmosphere in detail
81% Informative
EarthCARE 's lidar shows particles in the atmosphere in detail.
Fourth instrument of the new climate satellite in operation.
Mission is designed to measure clouds, aerosols and radiation more accurately than ever before.
Data will help to better understand how clouds and aerosols reflect incoming solar energy back into space.
Until November , the German research aircraft HALO will fly under the EarthCARE track several times from Cabo Verde in the Atlantic , Barbados in the Caribbean and Oberpfaffenhofen in Germany until November .
The HALO-PERCUSION validation mission is led by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) together with the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M).
Paolo Laj , Cathrine Lund Myhre , Véronique Riffault , Vassilis Amiridis , Hendrik Fuchs , Konstantinos Eleftheriadis , Tuukka Petäjä , Thérèse Salameh , Niku Kivekäs , Eija Juurola , Giulia Saponaro , Sabine Philippin , Carmela Cornacchia , Lucas Alados Arboledas , Holger Baars , Anja Claude , Martine De Mazière , Bart Dils , Marvin Dufresne , Nikolaos Evangeliou , Olivier Favez , Markus Fiebig ,.
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not offensive
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