

Are Jewish Republicans willing to put up with Holocaust denial?

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LZ Granderson : Donald Trump and JD Vance will put up with all kinds of antisemitism, even Holocaust denial.

LZ: Vance 's refusal to condemn Tucker Carlson for legitimizing, publicizing and agreeing with a Holocaust “revisionist” Darryl Cooper , on his show on X. Carlson called Cooper “maybe the best and most honest popular historian working in the U.S. today .” He says the Holocaust was not a deliberate campaign to exterminate Jews , but a kind of side-effect of the war.

LZ Granderson : JD Vance defended by Tucker Carlson , but it's not “guilt by association” with free speech.

He says the MAGA GOP base of the modern GOP is soaked in antisemitism, white supremacy and conspiracy theories.

LZ: The only question is whether the porridge of support for Israel ’s right-wing government is worth the birthright of American Jews ’ safety.

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