Ice Layer Formation Predicts Sea Rise
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new ice layer formsScienceDaily
•New discovery about ice layer formation in ice sheets can improve sea level rise predictions
80% Informative
New discovery about ice layer formation in ice sheets can improve sea level rise predictions.
Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin in collaboration with NASA 's Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( JPL ) and the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland ( GEUS ) have found a new mechanism that explains how impermeable horizontal ice layers are formed below the surface.
Story Source: Journal Reference: - Mohammad Afzal Shadab , Surendra Adhikari , Anja Rutishauser , Cyril Grima , Marc Andre Hesse . A Mechanism for Ice Layer Formation in Glacial Firn . Geophysical Research Letters, 2024 ; 51 ( 15 ) DOI: 10.1029/2024GL109893 Cite This Page:.
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