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terrible internet lawsTechdirt
•63% Informative
Utah ’s Protect The Kids Online!’ Law Rejected By Court Rejected by Court .
The law required social media companies to engage in “age assurance” (which is just a friendlier name for age verification) and then restrict access to certain types of content and features for “minor accounts”.
The court notes that Utah seems to misunderstand the issue, and finds the idea that this law is content neutral to be laughable.
The court says there’s no way this law passes strict scrutiny.
The first prong of the test is whether or not there's a compelling state interest in passing such a law.
Jonathan Haidt : Utah failed to meet strict scrutiny, that the law be “narrowly tailored’s.
Utah tried to claim that social media is somehow special and different than those other apps, but the judge notes that they provide no actual evidence in support of this claim.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
possibly offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
Known propaganda techniques
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no affiliate links