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Beetlejuice BeetlejuiceMashable
•63% Informative
Tim Burton's Beetlejuice is a sequel to 1988 's classic film.
The film is set thirty-some years after the Deetz family moved to Winter River , where they collided with the recently deceased Maitlands and their eponymous bio-exorcist for hire.
Winona Ryder's and Catherine O'Hara's chic, vaguely goth sartorial explosions shaped my personal style.
There's a lot of plot to this sequel, but the screenplay is so jam-packed with characters, threads, and set pieces, that it feels less like a movie and more like a jumble of Post-it notes combined.
Bellucci is viciously entertaining as a ferocious and sexy femme fatale, swanning around as if poison and red wine runs through her veins.
Theroux 's subplot, however, is predictable, veering into annoying.
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possibly offensive
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not hateful
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not detected
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