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suicide contagionPsyPost
•73% Informative
A recent study from Columbia University , published in the journal Science Advances , reveals how these tragic events led to significant spikes in suicidal thoughts and behaviors across the United States .
The researchers developed a mathematical model designed to simulate the dynamics of suicide contagion, treating it in a way similar to how infectious diseases are modeled.
The model estimated a thousand-fold increase in the rate at which people began to experience suicidal thoughts due to the contagious nature of suicide.
The model’s assumptions, such as the rate at which individuals lose susceptibility to suicide contagion, need further empirical validation.
This could involve studying different types of contagion such as those that occur in response to media portrayals of suicide or other forms of social influence.
Despite these limitations, the study represents a significant step forward in understanding how suicide can spread.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
not detected
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no external sources
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no sources
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