Concord: Solid Game, Lacks Care
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Concord charactersMashable
•‘Concord’ review: Sorry to say it, but it's a flop
59% Informative
Concord has solid gameplay mechanics, but fails when it comes to providing characters to care about.
Each week , Concord receives new vignettes (i.e., a cutscene that shows what its characters are up to) I feel like I’m just being dumped into an existing storyline without any context.
Concord 's unique mechanic to help separate itself from other hero shooters is called Crew Bonus .
The Galactic Guide contains so much interesting lore that can potentially morph Concord into a compelling space opera.
Concord 's 3D models look too realistic to the point where it feels like an uncanny valley.
The color palette is too pastel-like and there isn't enough contrast.
I actually found Concord ’s 2D and concept art to be much more artistically appealing.
The shooting and movement all feel fluid, but the story and the Freegunners themselves aren’t very memorable.
VR Score
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Neutral language
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not offensive
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not hateful
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not detected
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not detected
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