

Is the Turin Shroud a genuine relic or just an elaborate fake?

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76% Informative

The Turin Shroud , also known as the Holy Shroud , is a piece of linen measuring 4.3 metres ( 14 feet 3 inches ) long and 1.1 metres ( 3 feet 7 inches ) wide.

It appears to portray two faint, brown images of a 5 ft 7' man seen from the front and the back.

Some historians claim it is one of Christianity 's most holy relics.

But to others, the relic is nothing more than an elaborate hoax.

Italy 's Institute of Crystallography reopens the debate among historians.

Using a technique called Wide-Angle X-ray scattering, the scientists claim to have discovered fresh evidence that the shroud really does date back to the time of.

Studies have shown that the reddish stains on the cloth contain various blood components including haemoglobin, albumin, and immunoglobulin .

In 2017 , a group of researchers claimed to have discovered 'nanoparticles' which indicated the blood came from a torture victim.

If true that would be consistent with the Biblical interpretation that the shroud contains the blood of Jesus after he was tortured to death on the cross.

However, other research has also called into doubt the veracity of the garment's supposed blood stains.

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