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US cislunar strategiesThe Space Review: essays and commentary about the final frontier
•82% Informative
Some fear China will seize first -mover advantage on the Moon , possibly acing out US -led missions to stake out critical regions like the lunar poles.
James Clay Moltz : What factors will matter most for success in cislunar space and who has the advantage? He says the US -Soviet Moon race featured government-funded, highly nationalistic, and state-run efforts to be the first to land humans on the moon.
US allies are now providing “critical path” technologies to the Artemis effort.
Artemis Accords is building a growing coalition of countries that support cislunar cooperation, transparency, and peaceful development.
The ILRS is going to be a Chinese -dominated affair and that Beijing will likely be on the hook to pay for everything.
Despite the advantages of the new US strategy, there are admittedly some risks.
China faces even more challenging odds as it seeks to build and sustain its cislunar infrastructure largely on its own.
Despite the current narrative of China ’s “lead” in the new Moon race, the United States should not panic.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
Article tone
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Offensive language
not offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
not detected
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