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food wasteBBC
•83% Informative
Each year , Japan throws out 28.4 million tonnes of food much of it is edible.
Food makes up about 40% of the rubbish that Japan incinerates, and incineration produces significant air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.
Koichi Takahashi founded a company, the Japan Food Ecology Center , that turns leftover human food into high-quality pig feed.
Japan Food Ecology Center processes about 40 tonnes of food waste per day.
The facility processes food waste from supermarkets, department stores and mass manufacturers.
Food waste is also produced by manufacturers that are contracted to supply Japan 's 55,657 convenience stores many of which are open 24 hours , 365 days a year with a constant stream of products.
Eco-pork from farms like Azumino is carried by an ever-growing list of restaurants, supermarkets and department stores around the country.
The centre is making a profit off the 35,000 tons of food waste it processes each year .
The plant is currently generating 528kW of electrical output per day, about the same amount used by 1,000 households.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
not offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
not detected
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