The Nation

The Nation

This week on The Nation, we talk about the rise of political violence in the U.S

The Nation
Nutrition label

66% Informative

Democracy requires that we make political choices free from bullying, intimidation, or threats of violence.

The group suffering the biggest increase in reported incidents are conservatives who are perceived to be out of sync with the pro-Trump MAGA line.

Sala Cyril , the interim executive director of Visions Change Win , an organization that focuses on community safety.

Maria J. Stephan , the chief organizer of the Horizons Project and coauthor of the Why Civil Resistance Works : The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict.

Sala Sala and Maria J.S. are leading activists in the face of life-threatening violence in this country.

Sala says the groups need organizational-capacity support to ensure that they don’t crumble in face of threats that come from the right.

J.D. Vance : There are certainly litigation strategies that can be deployed particularly against far-right groups.

The Nation has been a bulwark against misinformation and an advocate for bold, principled perspectives.

Strikes, which have been one of the most powerful general strikes, whether it was in Chile , whether it was in South Africa , other countries, have been the most powerful tactics to push back against authoritarianism. So what successful nonviolent resistance movements do is they systematically pull those pillars away from an autocrat so that they’re like emperors with no clothes. They no longer have their moral and material support..

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Informative language


Neutral language


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Offensive language

possibly offensive

Hate speech

not hateful

Attention-grabbing headline

not detected

Known propaganda techniques




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