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US farmsBBC
β’87% Informative
Dearth of workers is threatening the viably of the agriculture industry, both in terms of profitably and crop yield.
This is particularly a problem in the US , which produces the third -largest agricultural output behind China and India .
The industry's goal is to develop and adopt new technology on a mass scale that is both affordable and accessible.
Using AI to reduce the quantity of resources used, while also improving crop yields, is a larger strategy experts refer to as "precision agriculture" Drones and GPS tools are the most widespread AI tools on the market.
John Deere has had many AI tools available to farmers for decades , such as its Autotrac tools, which allow for hands-free combine steering.
The US government also sees the potential of artificial intelligence in farming.
Experts are cautiously optimistic about how these tools will help the agricultural industry fend off evolving threats from the climate, the precarious labour market and more.
There's big potential and the need has never been so urgent, experts say.
"The marginal cost to deliver [an AI tool] in India is next to zero ," he adds.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
not offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
not detected
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