

It's time to stop hero worshiping the tech billionaires

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Elon Musk was recently named Time Magazine's Person of the Year, widely criticised by media and politicians alike.

Columnist Noam Cohen says in hero-worshipping tech billionaires like Musk , we are at risk of outsourcing vital policy decisions to self-interested businessmen.

He says to fall under the sway of Musk even for, say, his work making electric cars a stylish alternative to gas-guzzlers, means accepting his self-aggrandizing worldview.

Some see Musk 's interest as yearning to hit the reset button for a troubled Earth .

I see it as seeking to escape accountability to the rest of us.

Yet for all its lack of constraints, space is silent, cold. A downright dismal place, no matter how brilliant the businessmen who led us there.