Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

Final finisher of women's marathon shows what it means to be an Olympian

Los Angeles Times
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Kinzang Lhamo , a 26-year-old in the Royal Bhutan Army , is one of those who didn't win but simply took part in the Paris Olympics .

The 26.2-mile course to Versailles and back was symbolic as well, retracing part of the 1789 women’s march on the royal gardens.

The women were banned from running the Olympic marathon until 1984 ; the distance was believed to be too taxing for them.

She walked most of the final two kilometers , with dozens of people on either side of the barricades that lined the course walking alongside her.

The procession soon became a parade as a man on a bike attempted to pace her while others reached over the barriers to urge her on.

After crossing the line Lhamo made her way to a plastic folding chair as a volunteer placed a towel on her shoulders.