

'People don’t talk about breastfeeding grief'

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'Breastfeeding grief' is a period of immense sadness, and even shame, following a decision to stop.

Jemma Munford , who gave birth to her son Max in 2017 , had planned to exclusively breastfeed.

Deepti, who is seven months pregnant with her second child, struggled to breastfeed due to a tongue-tie.

Her second child was born two years later - even though her newborn daughter didn't suffer from a tongue tie she decided early on that she “couldn’t face” attempting to breast feed longer than a couple of days .

Deepti plans to attempt breastfeeding again but says she won't put herself under the same pressure next time.

Jemma’s son Max is seven now but she says she still gets upset.

She tearfully admits she has “a deep and overwhelming regret that breastfeeding didn’t work out”.