

What does "weird" even mean? Here's why it's a perfect attack on MAGA

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Amanda Marcotte : Democrats started circulating the word "weird" as a primary attack on Donald Trump and the MAGA movement.

Marcotte says the word is a vague term, almost impossible to define.

She says it puts MAGA on the defensive, to a degree I haven't seen before.

Trump proved how getting defensive over the term only proves the charge, she says.

Julian Zelizer : Trying to parse what a consummate liar like Trump "means" with any given utterance is almost always a waste of time.

He says by being deliberately confusing, he kicked off a round of discourse that benefited his campaign in multiple ways.

Trump uses this technique to normalize previously off-limits ideas, Zelizer says.

Progressives shouldn't hesitate to provoke heated discussions about what is or isn't "weird".