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Drinkable waterUpworthy
•51% Informative
Someone on Reddit asked, "What’s a luxury that many people don’t realize is a luxury?" Merriam-Webster defines a "luxury" as "something adding to pleasure or comfort but not absolutely necessary" There are many things that we think of as basics, simply because we've always had them, that others live without.
"This is when I realized I was doing ok. When I went shopping or out to eat and never looked at or worried about the prices" "The invention of the washing machine led to an average reduction in house work by women of 8 hours per week, effectively adding a full workday for women to be able to do different things" "I can't recall even one time that I've gone to the grocery store that I didn't have to plan every penny".
"I reached a point in my life where I can budget for being comfortable in my own home, whether it is 110F or 10F outside. That's a nice luxury." "The gift of time should never be undervalued. Time itself is the luxury because it affords you opportunities that you otherwise would not have.".
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
possibly offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
not detected
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no external sources
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no sources
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