Arms Control Association | The authoritative source on arms control since 1971.

Arms Control Association | The authoritative source on arms control since 1971.

Ukraine, Nuclear Weapons, and Security Assurances at a Glance

Arms Control Association | The authoritative source on arms control since 1971.
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At the time of Ukraine ’s independence from the Soviet Union in 1991 , Ukraine held the third largest nuclear arsenal in the world.

By 1996 , Ukraine had returned all of its nuclear warheads to Russia in exchange for economic aid and security assurances.

The last strategic nuclear delivery vehicle in Ukraine was eliminated in 2001 under the 1991 Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty .

Russian troops entered the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine in March 2014 .

Russia declared the annexation of Crimea over the protests of the acting government in Kiev .

The United States , the United Kingdom , and Ukraine called the action a blatant violation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum .

Russia and the United States released a joint statement in 2009 confirming that the security assurances would still be valid after START expired in 2009 .