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cameraSmithsonian Magazine
•84% Informative
Each of the six lunar landing sites from NASA ’s Apollo program contains an assortment of discarded items.
The artifacts left behind tell stories about the Apollo program, as well as about uncrewed, robotic missions by the United States and other countries.
With more than 100 missions planned to occur by 2030 , it poses another looming threat to these items.
This weekend marks the 55th anniversary of the first human lunar landing.
Some of the items left behind are highly intentional and sentimental, including a Bible and a photo of astronaut Charles Duke’s family.
The Apollo program artifacts tell a story of courage, ingenuity and exploration.
NASA plans to again land astronauts on the lunar surface within the next few years .
A laser ranging retroreflector helps measure the distance between the Earth and the moon .
The reflector is the only science project from the Apollo program with that distinction.
Astronauts left behind containers of urine and feces, since these were expendable, compared with lunar rock samples.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
not offensive
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not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
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not detected
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