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efficient air conditionerWired
•79% Informative
US firm Montana Technologies has developed a novel cooling system.
The AirJoule system uses a liquid desiccant that is capable of dehumidifying air rather than cooling it.
The firm is also working on a system for the US military that can harvest drinkable water from the air for troops in the desert.
AirJoule 's approach would link to a separate, secondary air-conditioning process to cool the dried air.
Nostromo Energy has created a system called IceBrick , which can be frozen when off-peak energy is available.
The system can reduce annual cooling costs by 30 percent and associated emissions by up to 80 percent .
Electrocaloric cooling device uses an electric field to induce a subtle change in the movement of atoms within a material, a kind of phase transition.
Over roughly 100 cycles, one end of the tube gets hotter (reaching around 30 degrees Celsius ) while the other end gets significantly cooler.
The device could be around 20 percent more efficient overall for space cooling one day .
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