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QoS setupXDA
•70% Informative
Quality of Service (QoS) allows you to prioritize specific devices or services on your home Wi-Fi network.
Setting your QoS with your most important devices prioritized can keep them working as expected, even when you're using most of all of your connection speed.
A QoS optimized for gaming will prioritize your connection to the gaming server.
A lot of people have transitioned to working from home, making a stable home internet connection all the more important.
TP-Link Archer BE800 and Asus RT-AX88U Pro have plenty of capacity for all of these devices.
Smart home tech, apart from cameras, generally will require very little data, but constant updates they do need can impact response time and lead to an increase in average ping times.
If you have a very fast fiber connection, you may not even need to set up your QoS feature.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
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Offensive language
not offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
not detected
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no affiliate links