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term information literacyInsider
•79% Informative
Researchers at Jigsaw , a Google subsidiary, have been studying how Gen Zers digest and metabolize what they see online.
They say they're engaged in "information sensibility" that relies on "folk heuristics of credibility" Instead of listening to stuffy teachers, they take cues from online influencers.
Jigsaw 's findings offer a revealing glimpse into the digital mindset of Gen Z.
Research shows that most mis- and disinformation is being made and consumed by a dwindling minority of users who seek it out.
For Gen Z , checking what other people are saying in the comments isn't shallow, it's a matter of social life or death.
Gen Zers aren't seeing as much intentional falsehood as you might think.
Discourse reporter Adam Rogers is concerned about Gen Zers checking the comments to decide what to believe.
But he realized that we all do it — we look for lots of links, for 5 -star reviews, for what the replies say.
When Goldberg asked her subjects what they thought of her research, true to her findings, she heard back was the gravid silence of teenagers looking at their phones.
VR Score
Informative language
Neutral language
Article tone
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Offensive language
not offensive
Hate speech
not hateful
Attention-grabbing headline
not detected
Known propaganda techniques
not detected
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no affiliate links