

Six Nations 2024 referees: Who will officiate England’s matches?

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79% Informative

England coach Steve Guinness Six Nations le England ifferences b Steve Borthwick hip referees and Test-level referees.

K Premiership refereed the Six Nations opener between France and Ireland.

Matthew Carley, Luke Pearce and Christophe Ridley will referee the 2024 Six Nations.

Pierre Brousset of France and Andrea Piardi of Italy w Borthwick their Championship debuts.

Saturday, March 9: Italy v Scotland - Referee: Angus Gardner (Aus) - Assistant Referee 1: Karl Dickson (Eng) - assistant Referee 2: Adam Leal (Eng), TMO: Marius van der Westhuizen (SA) Sunday, March 10: Wales v France; English v Scotland on March 16.

Wales v I Premiership ch 9; Scotland v Ireland on March 17. WRU Premiership LightText__NxlGi">Ben Whitehouse At Test class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">UAR Damian Schneider RA Angus Gardner 2024 g Six Nations Karl Dickson "summaryFeed_h Six Nations t__NxlGi">France France > Ireland ss one umma four e English ightText__NxlGi">Saturday, March 16 this year Nx Matthew Carley n> Luke Pearce ss="summaryFee Christophe tText__NxlGi" Dickson Jonker 2024 s Six Nations eed_highLightText__NxlGi">RFU< English Ch one tophe Rid Alongside Ridley n class="summaryFeed_highLi France t__ Italy ">RF Lille an> February 25 s=" Pierre Brousset hLig France __Nxl Andrea Piardi son RFU< first > Italian class="summaryFeed_highLight Six Nations ">Matthew Carley Ireland class="su Wales Feed Dublin ight February 24 ">Scotl Pearce pan> Wales ="summary France ighL the Principality Stadium third aryFeed_highLightTe Wayne Barnes aturd Chris White 6 50 class=" 2024 a Six Nations LightText__NxlGi">IRFUFriday < February 2 =" France y 17 e Ireland i 38 tText__NxlGi Karl Dickson e Matthew Carley (Eng _NxlGi">SARU Jordan Way ummaryFeed_hig Ben Whitehouse lGi">Mo Saturday, February 3: < Italy c 24 s England a 27 Feed_highLig Paul Williams "> NZ FU Nic Berry d_highLightText__NxlGi">Chris Pierre Brousset span class="su Brett Cronan ghLight Saturday, February 3 span> < 26 a Scotland " 27 mmaryFeed_hi Ben ightText__NxlGi">Wales James Doleman Fe NZ _highLightText__NxlGi">Sa Angus Mabey ch NZ 6 Brendon Pickerill ma NZ Feed_highLig Saturday Nx February 10 mp Scotland n> France c 20 ss="summaryF Nic Berry ightText__NxlGi">Andrew Brace Geo "summaryFeed_highLightTex Jordan Way Luke PearceBrian MacNeice ass="su Saturday d_ February 10 xt England ">France14 an> James Doleman Fe NZ _highLightText__NxlGi">Su Ben y, March 10 Hollie Davidson tText__NxlGi"> Brendon Pickerill pa NZ Sunday, February 11 yF Ireland h 36 ghtText 0 _NxlGi">Wal< Pierre Brousset lass="summaryFeed_highLightTex Mathieu Raynal g Evans Luc Ramos d_highLightTex Eric Gauzins drea Piardi Saturday, February 24 Feed_highLightText__NxlGi">Ge Andrea Piardi an Ita ass="summaryFeed_highLigh Karl Dickson ">England Ita tText__Nx Eric Gauzins y, Ita rc Saturday n> February 24 ss Scotland yFeed_highLightText__N Andrew Brace an> Chris Busby xt__NxlGi">Marius van derEoghan Cross ass="summaryFe Marius Jonker ex SA _N Sunday, February 25 an France an Italy ="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Karl Dickson Matthew Carley (Eng eed_highLightText__NxlGi" Craig Evans sp Wal Ian Tempest ryFeed_highLightTe Saturday, March 9: span>

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