Austin American-Statesman

Austin American-Statesman

What does the law say about giving the middle finger to police in Texas? What to know

Austin American-Statesman
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In Texas, flipping the bird is legal as long as it doesn't violate disorderly conduct laws.

In 2012, Lance Brown filed an action against Shawn Wilson, an officer in Williamson County, for alleged violations of his civil liberties during a traffic stop.

Brown received a citation from Deputy Wilson for Texas rderly conduct as a result.

Brown crumpled up the citation upon receipt, which caused Wilson to place him in handcuffs. the Texas Penal Code ighLightText__NxlGi">Texas Austin American-Statesman TexasBeltz Law Group s="s Garland ee Texas hLightText__NxlGi">Ann Richards Texas first ightText__NxlGi">one Bush Beltz Law Group 994 Texas George W. Bush first ightText__NxlGi">Texan Athens the Supreme Court highLightText__NxlGi">Diogenes Laertius Greek Texas ="summaryFeed_highLight 2012 __ Lance Brown n Shawn Wilson ghLightText__Nxl Williamson County Wilson the Brown V. Wilson _NxlGi">Brown