•86% Informative
The City Council the City Council nges in some polling locations last month.
The last month re meant to the Board of Elections easier, with more accessible parking.
The plan does not decrease the number of c FRGTV olling places, at 27 preci next week h is the state’s jurisdiction.
The Board of Elections is partnering with Veterans’ Services to provide rides to t Board of Elections ass="summa Ryan Lyons hLigh the upcoming weeks He Lyons News WSAR .m. 9 a Lyons span> Jan. 23 ghLightT Council lGi">weekdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday March 1 27 i">seven days 8 ext__NxlGi">Lyons Robeson Street sp Frank B. Oliveira Apartments d_hi William Street xl Mitchell Apartments imar South Main Street la Chor Bishop Eid Apartments ext_ Quequechan Street da the Reney/Eastwood Fire Station eed_ Eastern Avenue _N Carlton M. Viveiros Elementary School mary Lewiston Street ex Spencer Borden School f Elections Tansey Elementary School LightText__NxlGi">Commonwealth Nov. 5 South Main Street i" St. Anthony’s n> North Eastern Avenue Te Matthew J. Kuss Middle School /spa Globe Mills Avenue ummary Bristol Community College ">March 5 the South End _N The Board of Election l Primary Mitchell Apartments Text_ Carlton Viveiros School span> South Main Street NxlGi">Fall River Nationally3 an> Flint xlGi">Veterans’ Services the Eastern Avenue LightText__NxlGi"> Chor Bishop Eid Apartments an Board of Elections mmaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">first St. Anthony’s ighLightText__NxlGi">New city Bristol Community College Two n> Baressi Heights ightT Cottell Heights ee Spencer Borden School North End ss="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Tansey El two ntary SchoolNorth End
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