

Super Bowl 2024 live: Score and latest updates from Kansas City Chiefs vs San Francisco 49ers

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65% Informative

The 49e the Super Bowl mb 49ers e San Francisco NFC, guaranteeing ho Brock Purdy vantage throughout the playoffs up until the Super Bo 2022

They defeate Iowa e Green Bay Packers 24-21 in one Divisional R NFC d before overcoming a 17-point deficit to win the NFC Championship ga the Super Bowl Detroit Lions. the Green Bay Packers Patrick Ma the Divisional Round in his third Super Bo 17 in his first or secon NFC Championship s will be desp the Detroit Lions against a 34-31 fs team who are looking to win consecutive Super Bowls. 49ers Purdy ss="summaryFeed_hi eight htText__NxlGi">Mahomes’ C the Super Bowl ’sfirst pan second "summaryFeed_highLig 49ers t__NxlGi">Vegas tonight Shanahans summaryFeed_highLi first xt__NxlGi">the Super Bo a Super Bowl span class="summar Kyle d_highLight year __NxlGi">16th Mike an> < the Denver Broncos yF Kyle Shanahan Text__Nxl 49ers in City the Chiefs in Super Bowl 54 he Super Bowl Atlanta Falcons ummaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">firstthe New England Patriots ryFe Super Bowl 51 ext__NxlGi Patriots t < 28 an class="summaryFeed_highLig Super Bowl 58 ">th Vegas Back s Ra September an 32 Vince Lombardi Gi">Allegia Las Vegas m< Only two Kansas City Chiefs er BowlSan Francisco class="summaryFeed_highLightText Super Bowl his sea Miami span> 10 ighLightText__NxlG the fourth quarter ion < Vince Lombardi mmaryFeed_hig 49ers tText__NxlGi">870,000 2023 Super Bowls ss="summaryFeed_ first ightText__NxlGi" 2003/4 < New England Patriots "summaryFeed_h Super Bowl xt__ a year ago 2< the Chiefs pan class= the Philadelphia Eagles e 38 __NxlGi Arizona Purdy Patrick Mahomes eed_highLightText__Nxl third F Super Bowl fourth ghLightText__NxlGi">Mahomes NFL class Mahomes ryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">20 tonight n> fifth ghLightText__NxlGi">the Baltimore Ravens three a Super Bowls mm The Chiefs ghLightText__NxlGi">2013 NFL ighL recent seasons i">two fourth y Super Bowl ight five years i">the 49ers r Bowl the Super Bowl ed_highLightText__N five ">Steve Young Vince Lombardi tText__NxlGi"> 1994 Montanafive Super Bowls ="summ 1982 eed_highLightText__NxlGi">1994

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