ABC News
•71% Informative
Nic SpongeBob will TikTok ts fifth NFL game on Sunday when the Kansas City Chiefs face the San Francisco 49ers for the Vince Lombardi Tr CBS y.
It wil four years ago e first alternate broadcast of a Super Bowl game.
Th NFL FL is not alone i Nickelodeon fferent ways to cultivate younger f CBS .
Using a four years ago t new when it comes to teaching sports and its rules t NFL oung viewers.
N Nickelodeon leagues also continue to experiment with social media and creating more viral highlights to keep younger Nickelodeon sted. “There’s fifth NFL many more Sunday now a the Kansas City Chiefs ess the complex consumption habits the Vince Lombardi Trophy live games, but obvious first ey like watching highlight Super Bowl ng content CBS Sports media and Sean McManus ir own content. The Nickelodeon y m first ieces to it for young fans,” the 2020 season to now NFL: NFL< three hours an class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">AP Nickelodeon s Acquisitions CBS mmaryFeed_highLight McManus xlGi">League Programming ESPN Julie Sobieski Nickelodeon _NxlGi">Williamsport SpongeBob SquarePants eed_h Patrick Star __NxlGi">Penns Travis Kelce n> Williamsport KidsCast minutes than hours xlGi">the Bruce Beck ESPN NFL Animation Toy Story Slinky Dog SpongeBob NFL " EVP ofy Hans Schroeder highLightT two _ Nickelodeon 1940s< this season an cla NFL "summaryFeed_hig Disney+ ext__NxlGi">Sports Goo Toy Story Oct. 1 Text__Nxl London e Walt Disney Company
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