Senator Bernie Sanders

Senator Bernie Sanders

Sen. Bernie Sanders releases new report detailing the rigged system that allows Big Pharma to charge Americans the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs

Senator Bernie Sanders
Nutrition label

68% Informative

The report also syst Americans y analyzes the launch prices of innovative prescription d The HELP Committee Majority Staff erck, and Brist three e U.S. quibb since 2004.

From 200 Johnson & Johnson di Merck unch p Bristol Myers Squibb rescription drugs sold by Johnso American son, Merck, and Bristol Myers Squibb was $14,000.

The billions of dollars lt patent thi Americans extend their monopolies and delay low-cost generic competition.

Medicare, for th U.S irst time, can negotiate the price of drugs like Eliquis and Stelara. Americans Johnson & Johnson di Merck /span> Bristol Myers Squibb ryFeed_ 2004 LightText__NxlGi">Stelara U.S. iquis < twenty years ago ar Key Findings Include _NxlGi">first Medicare< Johnson & Johnson ss Merck maryFe Bristol Myers Squibb lGi">Congre tens of billions of dollars maryFeed_highLight 2022 __ Johnson & Johnson $17.9 billion s="summaryFeed_highLightText__Nxl $27.6 million That year ryFeed_highLightText $17.8 billion million more tha just $14.6 billion an> Bristol Myers Squi $3.2 billion span class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Merck 2022 ar Bristol Myers Squibb _NxlGi $6.3 billion Johnson $41.4 million tText__NxlGi">the That year ty years $12.7 billion maryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">FDA just $9.5 billion ">79% Johnson & Johnson ed Bristol Myers Squibb i">Stel $3.2 billion Johnson & Johnson’s 2022 pa Merck ss="su $14.5 billion hLightText__NxlGi">57 $52.5 million "summaryFeed_highL That year _NxlGi">first over $7 billion summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">64% $13.6 billion summaryFeed_ Merck ightText__NxlGi Keytruda da 2022 yFeed_highLightText McDonald’s e annual pan> Marriott an> the Drug Patent American an> Johnson & Johnson s Merck bBristol Myers Squibb maryFeed_highLightText__ U.S. i">Merck 2016 tT Johnson & Johnson on Stelara 38,000U.S. > $30.4 billion "summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">thr $14.9 billion pan class=" 2015 ar Merck _highL $43.4 billion Gi">the past five yearsKeytruda span cla U.S. summaryFeed_h $30 billion t__NxlGi">14,000 Bristol Myers Squibb _highL $34.6 billion Gi">Bristol Myers Squibb U.S. summaryFeed_h $22.5 billion _NxlGi">Merck U.S. ighLightText__ nearly two-thirds Johnson Johnson ri Merck /span> Bristol Myers Squibb ryFeed_h Americans ext__NxlGi">U.S. Bristol Myers Squibb Merck Johnson Merck _NxlGi">U.S. Keytruda "sum 2015 Feed_hi annual tText__Nxl 147,000 00U.S. span c 132,000 umma Germany highLigh Keytruda xlGi">Brist just $89,000 ibb< Germany U.S. ">U.S 191,000 > < Bristol Myers Squibb eed_highLightTe Eliquis Gi"> 2013 /span> annual class="sum 3,100 eed_high U.S. tText just $1,000 pan< Japan > Eliquis