ABC News

ABC News

CEO of major Nigerian bank killed in California helicopter crash, director-general of WTO says

ABC News
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70% Informative

Herbert Wig Nigerian f executive of A California , was among the six people on board whe WTO he helicopter crash one near Nigeria tate 15 in Southern California's Mojave Desert.

B Southern California nbanjo, form one chai Nigeria X Group, the Nigerian stock exch Friday was also killed.

The crash came just three days after a U.S. Marine Corps heli Interstate 15 d in Southern California's e Mojave Desert ri Herbert Wigwe ownpours. Access Bank ed_highLightText six xlGi">Wisconsin shortly after 10 p.m. lGi">Madison NGX Group tText_ Nigerian Todd Richmond Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala /span> Nigerian ="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">California the World Trade Organization ighLightText__NxlGi">Sacramento Herbert Wigwe ightText__NxlGi">Five Bimbo Ogunbanjo ryFeed_highLightText__Nxl Okonjo-Iweala span> Twitter xlGi">San Diego Wigwe M 57 ine Corps Nigeria lass="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">just three days two t__NxlGi">Sunday Guaranty Trust Bank t__NxlGi">Super Bowl Wigwe ghLightText__Nx Access Bank’s cisco African ">the Kansas City Chiefs Nigeria eed_h Africa htText__NxlGi">Las Ve Nigerian n> Bayo Onanuga htText__Nx X. “Wigwe ilometers Access Holdings d_highLightText__NxlGi Africa t 26 miles Boulder City< Wigwe > Nevada Nigeria highLightTex Niger Delta oulder City September Nx Last year nd 8:45 p.m. Palm Springs Airport Festus Keyamo xt Nigeria ">KABC-TV Saturday NTSB Nigeria tional Transportation Safety Board Interstate 15 mmaryF Halloran Springs Road lGi">FAA California mmaryFeed_highLi Halloran Springs Road span> 120 EC The Fe nearly 3,000 feet mi 914.40 meters pan> < about a 60 ="su 80-mile ed_highL 96.56 ext_ 128.75 kilometers eriff's Las Vegas nt the California Highway Patrol

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