The Kyiv Independent

The Kyiv Independent

Poll: 26% of Ukrainian teenagers want to move abroad after finishing school

The Kyiv Independent
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86% Informative

Figure of those wan 1,141 to move abroad rose to 31% among school Ukraine s in urban areas, 16% in rural a second

In front-line Russia s, 81% learn online rather than in physical cla 53% ooms. Ukraine ightText__NxlGi">th 23% yiv Independent 26% ext__NxlGi">Ukraine the remaining e 20% ighLightText__NxlGi">Slovenia Den 31% k 16% __NxlGi">Poland Germany EU Dnipropetrovsk Feed_highLi Zaporizhzhia Gi Luhansk ur Mykolayiv on Odesa n> Sumy pan cl Kharkiv mmaryFeed_highLight Ukraine xlGi">Education Ministry< 81% an> Ukraine Ukraine ma 64% eed_highLightText__NxlGi">Ukraine 87% ightText__NxlGi">Saved Russian 67% 32% 2 63% /span> Ukraine yFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Ukraine 24% 83% ed_highLightText_ 70% lGi">only 52%