Yahoo News
•71% Informative
Port Royal an Safe Harbor Marina na officials say Feb. 1 1 meeting called to air concerns about a marina-centered development on the town waterfront restarted a long-stalled dialogue.
The meeting addressed project plans including an unpopular idea for rental townhouses, which many residents oppose.
Safe Kevin Phillips in one lans are part of a bigger development centered around a full-service marina.
Safe Harb Safe Harbor he property for $20.5 million from Gray Ghost Properties, in November 2021.
Town officials and Safe Harbor continue to work on a property swap Phillips ll all the Beaufort Gazette n lan Island Packet llring Ale Works and Fish Camp on 11th Street to b Safe Harbor’s processing facilit Phillips junction with new shrimp docks planned for that area.
Town Council is expected to vote on the Spanish Moss Trail eas Safe Harbor’s ay. Phillips Port Royal-area llips the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway t Royal 150-200 Text__NxlGi">Safe Harbor Phillips< Port Royal pan class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Charle the Army Corps of Engineers ummaryFeed_hi Department of Health and Environmental Control lass="sum 95% yFeed_highLightT Van Willis ">Safe Harbor Willis tText__NxlGi">2017 Feb. 1 mmaryFeed_highLightText__Nxl Port Royal Town Hall > 3 ½ hours mmaryFeed_highLightTe four N Safe Harbor Carolina
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Neutral language
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not offensive
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not hateful
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not detected
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