Yahoo News
•81% Informative
Members of Congress are questioning whether lack of accountability is a major hurdle to fi Pentagon racks problems.
The House Armed Services Co Wednesday readiness panel Congress earing Feb. 7.
A report from the Government Accountability Office documented widespread barracks issues in September.
The the House Armed Services Committee’s ning momentum.
Army off Brendan Owens roposed a privatization project at Fort Irwin, in California.
The project would provide 544 permanent party junior enlisted spaces.
Army of Feb. 7 : "That project Defense a long way Lloyd Austin us understand how and where privatization might be beneficial" Rep. Garamendi: There are limitations on what each of the service branches can do regarding barracks privatization. Michael Waltz summaryFeed_highLightT the House Armed Services Committee’s pan> Brendan Owens ious 30 years National Defense Authorization Act Garamendi Army Waltz eed_highLightText__NxlGi">Rachel Jacobson 544 the Defense Department _highLightText__NxlGi">second the Department of Defense the Marine Corps Owens ="summaryFeed_h this year ext__NxlGi">Pentagon 28 summaryF 31 d_highLightText__NxlGi">Owens the Government Accountability Office Governmen September ability OfficeFebruary class Pentagon yFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">the Defense Department the Department of Defense
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