•80% Informative
North Carolina, ranked No. 3 in Th 4 p.m. ET te North Carolina enters the ma 3 chup The Associated Press -2 in the ACC.
The Miami 18 urricanes come 10-2 the con ACC t 15-8 overall an Clemson n the UNC g 80-76 span Tuesday "summ Davis ed_high UNC htText__NxlGi">SE 21.3 twork first m 23 ryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">NFL Network 15 lass="summaryFe 6-6 highLigh ACC xt__N Monday NB Virginia n> Miami = 60-38 ar Norchad Omier htTe Miami xlGi">NBC 23 n class="sum 18 ryFeed_highLightTe Hubert Davis onum the North Carolina Tar Heels lass="summaryFeed_highLightTex Jim Larrañaga quee Spo Miami etwork UNC Light Miami _NxlGi">Golf Network The North Carolina Tar Heels tText Miami Hurricanes an> ESP ESPN span 4 p.m. ET clas Saturday, Feb. 10 gh ESPN tText__NxlGi">ESPN Brian Custer htText__NxlGi">CBS S Cory Alexander /span> CBS FuboTV htTex Sling lGi">ACC Network ABC Miami n> < North Carolina mmaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">FuboTV Miami Hurric Saturday an> Miami Hurricanes ummar North Carolina tText__NxlGi">the UNC Tar Heels ESPN Sling TV's mm 55 yFeed_highLightText__Nxl 46 ">79.99 Pro ESPN an class="summaryFeed_highLi Miami xt__NxlGi">more North Carolina > Sling TV t__NxlGi"> 27.50 daysthe first month ="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Fu UNC VMiami ESPN xt__NxlGi">FuboTV
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