•76% Informative
Arge Nigeria Arg Hangzhou vory Ivory Coast dly Beijing ing is also canceled.
Inter Miami apologizes, the Africa Cup of Nations ssi and this weekend could Messi play.
Argenti Inter Miami Lionel Messi said h Hong Kong roin injury, but he played in Japan on Wednesda last Sunday tch in Japan wrapped up Inte Messi mi's global promotional tour. Miami has won only one of its Hong Kong s in Central and Nort 30 minutes Wednesday bia Tokyo sia. The Vissel Kobe up on Friday 16 the sports bureau st N Hangzhou Old Boys, the Argentina-Nigeria from Rosario, Argentina. The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.. Reuters The Associate the Hangzhou Sports Bureau s="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">ArgentinaAn Argentine Football Association ghLightText__Nx the Association Press Messi Nigeria ighLightText__NxlGi">Newell Floridathe Argentina-Ivory Coast eed_highLight Beijing xlGi">Feb. 16 Hong Kong ummaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Asia< Inter Miami an class="summaryFeed_hi 50% ightText__NxlGi">S days Arabia Central and North America China Messi NxlGi">six China an class="summaryFeed_hi the Global Times Gi">only one Miami Inter Miami's Friday ryFeed_highLightTe Tatler Asia Japan Messi t__NxlGi">Hong Kong Messi Inter Miami Gi">Cabinet Messi class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Hong Kong's Messi n class="summaryFeed_highLightT 45 minutes ">the Executive Council Regina Messi pan> Japan umma February 7th ightText__NxlGi">Hong Kong Pro-Beijing Hong Kong mid-March Hong Kong 4,880 e Hong Kong dollars _Nx 624 ">One Tatler Asia d_highLightText__NxlGi 56 million a Hong Kong dollars cl $7.2 million Feed_highLightText__NxlGi">Messi43 million n Hong Kong dollars ed $5.5 million xt__NxlGi">the Global Times 13 million F Hong Kong dollars __ $1.7 million sday Tatler Asia eed_ Monday ghtText__NxlGi">Sunday Hong Kong W Hong Kong /span> Tokyo Hong Kong _NxlGi">China Hong Kon Messi an> Reuters ss=" Thursday eed_highLightText__NxlGi">Hong Kong Tokyo Messi an cl Luis Suárez yFee Sunday LightText__NxlGi">Messi
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