•Pakistan in turmoil as Imran Khan leads election vote, despite being in jail
69% Informative
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party had won ar Khan 70 of the more than 200 seats in the national assembly.
S Bushra Bibi Mr Khan came despite a lo seven years n against his party that had forced candidates 2018 run as independents.
But the military third fell out with Khan Khan whil second as prime minis this week ggled to suppress his vote. Bibi htText__NxlGi">Paki Khawar Farid Maneka class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">PML-N’s Iddat Islam t__NxlGi">Khan six years Text__NxlGi">Chatham House London Nawaz Sharif "summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Farz Sharif aikh America Khan 2022 < Sharif lass Friday a night d_highLightText__NxlGi">Khan two years David Cameron __NxlGi">Sharif PTI the day Khan Khan Khan Cameron class="summaryFeed_ Britain htText__NxlGi">Sharif US i">as many as 50 PTI Raoof Hasan overnight PT Matthew Miller n cl State Department _highLightText__NxlGi">evening Thursday AFP A day ightText__NxlGi">Pakistan Khan umm Pakistan h Tehreek tText__Nxl PTI >Gallup around 70 ss="summ more than 200 ightText__NxlG 266 Bilal Gilani Sharif mma Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz >P PML-N pan> 60 summa the Pakistan Peoples Party i" PPP an Khan
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