Yahoo News

Yahoo News

Roofing company owner defrauded customers of $100,000 in North Carolina, cops say

Yahoo News
Nutrition label

80% Informative

Several p North Carolina they were defrauded out of money by the 62-year-old, deputies said.

A fraud investigation led to his arrest Feb. 7, according 62-year-old teret County Sher Feb. 8 Office.

Coastal R the Carteret County Sheriff’s Office ina, has been in business for more than $100,000 pan class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">Wilmington Coastal Roofing umma Morehead City ghtText__NxlGi">abou Feb. 7 iles five orehead City Carteret County p Carteret County ell 252-728-8400 Feb. 7 and Feb. 8 Coastal Roofing t__NxlGi">50,000 < about 10 years mmaryFeed_highL the Better Business Bureau ret C the past three years er two pan>