Yahoo Finance

Yahoo Finance


Business & Economics

Rivian climbs about 6.2% to $16.11, and the upside is accompanied by heavy volume

Yahoo Finance
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O Thursday ay Rivian an climbe about 6.2% 2% to 16.11 11, and the upside was accompanied by heavy volume About 57.77 million ifornia-based company announced Thursday that it h three-month ed two new 34.09 million attery Irvine ns California tandard and Standard+. Th Thursday ttery pack options lower two e entry price of the R1T and R1S by $3,10 Standard Standard+ ummaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">BenzingaR1 two yFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">B 270 miles om315 miles an class="summaryFeed_highLightText__NxlGi">2024 106 kilowatt-hours ss="s 121 kWh eed_hi Standard ext__NxlGi">Benzinga.com Standard+ ghtText__NxlGi">Stock 2nd R1 eed_highLightT 3,100 NxlGi">Rivian Benzinga3,750 14-Day Trial Now Rivian n class="summaryFeed_hig quarterly t__NxlGi">Be Feb. 21 Pro - Click second NxlGi">Supercharge Your S R2 ck Market Game Rivian 3.91% summa 16.74 d_highLightText Benzinga Pro t Electric Vehicle Stocks Benzinga’s Future Of Mobility